The Sun
The Sun does not have any moons, and if it did the moons would be so close the Moons would burn into nothing.
Mercury does not have any Moons the Sun would burn them into nothing like if the Sun had Moons.
Venus does not have any moons like the Sun and Mercury because they would burn so Venus most be a very hot.
From the Sun to Earth, Earth has the first moon and the moon won't burn because Earth is just the right distance away from the Sun.
Mars has two moons and they are about the same temperature as Mars because Mars snow on the top and bottom.
Jupiter has 62 moons so if you go to Jupiter you will see lots of moons it will look really nice.
Saturn has 33 moons you will be able to see a lot of them but not like Jupiter.
Uranus has 27 moons it would be very similar to Saturn looking at the Moons.
Neptune has 13 Moons so you wouldn't see a lot of the Moons there on Neptune.
Pluto has three Moons and they are probably very, very small. Smaller then Pluto.